Specializing in owner/operator flight instruction The Final Fix is who to call for..

  • satisfying the insurance requirements to act as PIC of your newly purchased aircraft.
  • wanting a co-pilot on a trip out of your normal comfort zone.
  • Biennial flight review.

For example, Wryan Bailey is so experienced insurance companies have approved him to fly the onerous King Air 350 single pilot all across the globe. He can show you how to manage two handfuls worth of airplane with just one hand. With 5 flight instructor ratings and 2 ground instructor ratings Wryan can ease you into confidently maneuvering your new airplane or helicopter.

Give him a call. He loves telling stories about handing the controls over to a first time King Air buyer and letting them land. Another favorite story is instructing a retired Air Force and FedEx Pilot in his new Cessna 205 on traffic patterns after flying heavy metal.

Flight Instructor Ratings
Ground Instructor Ratings
Hours of Flight Time
% of Satisfied Students